From Passion to Profession: How Noemi Turned Creativity into a Career with Ramdam
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“One of my favorite part about being a creator is working with my dream brands and sharing their vision with my followers. Ramdam made it possible for me to turn my passion into a steady income and achieve milestones I never thought possible.”
Noemi Oberhauser
🇬🇧 Ramdam Creator
Noemi Oberhauser, a vibrant content creator from the UK, has always been fueled by creativity. With a knack for storytelling and a love for music and travel, she turned her passions into a career, gaining a loyal following on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. But like many creators, the journey to making social media a full-time job came with its challenges. That’s where Ramdam entered the picture, helping her not only achieve stability but also unlock unprecedented success.
The impact
Noemi’s hard work and dedication paid off in a major way during her collaboration on a SwipeWipe campaign. The TikTok video garnered an astonishing 80+ million views, far surpassing her previous records. “It was a crazy number to see,” she recalls. This viral success didn’t just boost her follower count—it also opened doors to multiple new opportunities. “Because of how well the video performed, I was rehired for four different campaigns in the same week!”
What’s your favorite part about being a content creator, and how does Ramdam support that?
"My favourite part about being a content creator is definitely being able to do what I love as a job. I love that my job is super creative, I’m a really creative person myself and that I can work from anywhere in the world asI love to travel as well. Ramdam has helped me to be able to make a living out of social media and connect me with big brands from all around the world. I think one of the best parts about my job is that I get to work with some of my dream brands on a daily basis and share them with my followers because I really believe in their vision and products."
What measurable results have you achieved through Ramdam?
"I think that with any collaboration you do it helps you expand your reach and network. So obviously the more collaborations you do the more visibility you get. This applies to followers but also other brands who could be potential long term partners. You do a collaboration, other brands see it and then reach out and wanna work with you as well, given that video is of good quality. In terms of income, Ramdam has definitely been a game changer for me. It is one of my biggest side hustles at the moment and I know I can rely on it on a monthly basis, not like with any other apps. On Ramdam I know I have at least 5 campaigns per month that I get hired on ,so you can say I have a consistent income, which is super important when you’re just starting out with social media as a job."
How has your income as a creator changed since using Ramdam?
"Being self employed in social media can be quite challenging, especially when you’re just starting. A lot of brands will only hire you once and you are not sure if the next month they will rehire you again so it is a very unsure source to rely on. I started using Ramdam about a year ago and it helped me starting to become completely self employed in social media. Because of Ramdam I am now able to make a living off social media. Before using the Ramdam app, campaigns weren’t a reliable source of income for me but since I have started using the app and showing good results I know that I get at least a few campaigns in every month."
What's your favorite thing about Ramdam?
"One thing I love about Ramdam is that the payment is super easy and fast. Within less than a week the campaign is completed and I have been paid. Ramdam also pushes me to stick to deadlines, as you have to submit every video within three days. For me that was a really good way of learning how to prioritise things when I first started being self employed last year."
What advice would you give to other creators who are new to Ramdam or content creation in general?
"I think one piece of advice I would give everyone is that even if the collaboration is an advertisement, try and make it as fun and authentic to your style as possible. A lot of my followers can’t differentiate between my normal content and my ads which at the end of the day is the goal for a successful ad. I also think that it is important to identify what your brand is and which collaborations fit your style. Don’t apply to every single collaboration just because of the money, make sure it also fits your style and niche.
One more piece of advice to everyone who is starting out with social media is don’t give up. It is a really tough industry, especially at the beginning stage, but if you are truly passionate about what you do the results will show sooner or later. Go out, make as many connections as you can, stay consistent and at the end of the day enjoy what you’re doing. People can sense if what you’re doing is not authentic or you’re not enjoying it. The more authentic you stay to yourself the more successful you’re gonna be on a long term basis!
And at the end of the day have fun, experiment with different content and don’t forget the reason you started in the first place. It’s nice making money off something you love doing but it’s also really easy to get caught up and lost in all of the success."